[Wolves] Shropshire LUG talk program out to June 2020

John Alexander acontractornow at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 20 02:19:15 UTC 2020

Next Talk is mine on KVM all LUGs are welcome"https://shropshirelug.wordpress.com/2020/05/20/may-end-of-month-meeting-28-05-20/"
End of June brings us to Bret Fisher's talk on Docker this is going to be a big one expect this to be via Meetup TBC"https://shropshirelug.wordpress.com/2020/05/20/june-end-of-month-talk-25-06-20/"
John Kennedy's Talk on MDP the Mark Down Presenter  is now in Youtube here
Finally  Chris Ellis' Talk on Begamot his NAGIOS replacement monitoring tool is here!
It's been a busy Few months hope to see more of you at the next talk ...all welcome as usual 
For reference Shropshire LUG has 2 meetings a month (Midmonth 2nd Thursday of the month either online  or Aleston Inn which is a more social and projects biased meeting ) and (End of Month  which is the last Thursday of the month again online which is talk and projects focused!)
John A
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