[Wolves] Off topic .. Best payment via debit card

Andy Smith andy at strugglers.net
Mon Sep 5 10:32:03 UTC 2022


On Sun, Sep 04, 2022 at 10:13:51PM +0100, Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint via Wolves wrote:
> What the cheapest way too get payment via debit card? We thinking that it
> could improve donations for repair cafe redditch.. maybe even have a
> donations page the other option?

Not what you asked for but I take Direct Debit payments via
GoCardless, which can be used either for one-off payments or for
ongoing subscriptions / monthly donations, etc. The fees are 1% +
£0.20 to a maximum of £4. Some people are irrationally scared of
Direct Debits though.

For card payments I like Stripe. Between 1.4% and 2.9% (depending
upon country of issue) + £0.20.


https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

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