[Wolves] Virtual Meeting - September 21st

Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint mark.croft.lug at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 18:28:15 UTC 2022

Probably be latter in Erdington/star city picking up a friend too take Back
too redditch.. waiting for him at McDonald's

About 9pm at this rate.

Having fun with encrypted msata drives..

https://www.kali.org/tools/dislocker/ this is a tool in kali id boot up
kali and see whats available in their repos if you can decrypt the drive
with your credentials and format it.
this is a tut regarding LUKS systems. And this is a talk given at black hat
about bypassing SED drives: https://youtu.be/beMtNM7nwfQ there was also one
given at BSides.


On Wed, 21 Sept 2022, 18:55 Amrik Singh via Wolves, <
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> Weekly Social
> *Date:*
> 19:30 onwards, Wed 21st September 2022
> *Location:*
> https://meet.intrbiz.net/wolveslug
> *Goes:*
> *Late/Maybe:*
> 1. Amo
> *No Goes:*
> --
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> Homepage: http://www.wolveslug.org.uk/
> Mailing list: Wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
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