[Wolves] LUG Website Hosting

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Tue May 30 12:04:56 UTC 2023

Hi everyone

I've received notification that the hosting provided by Ron for the LUG 
website (and his other customers) is closing down at the end of June. 
I'll be away for most of June, so I need to migrate the domain and 
website before then.

I have my own modestly resourced VPS so I can host the site unless 
somebody else has more resources and is sufficiently experienced at 
hosting websites, managing DNS, SSL certs and domain registrations. I'm 
happy to pay for the domain renewals.

The one thing I don't host any more is email. We have a couple of email 
aliases configured to send mail received on certain @wolveslug.org.uk 
addresses to the configured recipient addresses. Currently those point 
at me for admin purposes, Ron has a couple which he doesn't use any more 
and Simon Burke has one too. Have you ever used that Simon?

As far as I'm aware, none of those email aliases are used anywhere 
public or for any services or registrations so they're ultimately for 
vanity purposes and we're safe to let them go.

If anyone wants to host the website let me know. Otherwise I'll get on 
with migrating it over the next week or so.


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