[Wolves] DNS management du jour

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 11:53:57 UTC 2023

On 29/09/2023 09:57, Simon Burke via Wolves wrote:

> If anyone wants a short talk about DNS based Mail 'security' (SPF, DKIM, 
> DMARC, DANE), I probably need to get one made for work shortly anyway 
> :D, so I'm happy to 'do one' :)

Sorry to take so long to reply but I'd be interested in this. I don't 
run my own mail servers any more but I do support some. I know SPF, I 
think I get DKIM and DNSSEC but have never implemented them. DMARC I 
never quite understood how to implement and I hadn't heard of DANE until 

Virtual would be fine. If you're happy to throw the doors open to other 
LUGs and technical groups then you might get quite a decent audience.

Let us know when you think you would be ready and we can start the 
wheels rolling.


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