[Wylug-admin] Wordpress

John Leach john at johnleach.co.uk
Tue May 12 13:16:26 UTC 2009

> > I must admit that does make be shudder a bit, heh (though I dig nginx :)
> Nginx is awesome :) I got boingboinged last month and Apache didn't
> cope so I switched to nginx.

That'll explain why random friends kept posting me your url, heh.
I've watched nginx handle over 6,000 concurrrent connections and I had
to double check I was on the right box as it wasn't even breaking a

> > We could just move the site to blog.wylug.org.uk, hosted on wordpress
> > and you host a permanent redirect from www.wylug.org.uk ?
> That's one way of doing it. We'd have to delegate blog.wylug.org.uk in
> our DNS here. I'm pretty sure the craptacular gui we have can do it,
> otherwise I'll have to poke around in the zonefile.

Actually, it sounds like all you need is a CNAME:

Q: I own domain.com, and want to map a subdomain of that to my
WordPress.com blog. Is that possible?

A: Yes. You will need to add a DNS CNAME at your DNS provider before the
domain mapping will work. You should not change your nameserver
information if you just want to map a subdomain. The CNAME should look
something like the following:

subdomain.domain.com. IN CNAME [your-blog].wordpress.com.

Once that DNS entry has been added login to your WordPress.com
Dashboard, click on Settings -> Domains and enter subdomain.domain.com
into the box. If everything is setup correctly, it will allow you to map
the subdomain to your blog. If things are not quite right the system
will let you know and provide suggestions on what you need to do to
remedy the problem.
Note: You cannot map only the “www” subdomain since we remove the www
from all the URLs at wordpress.com.

I'll arrange a reimport of the latest data.


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