[Wylug-announce] Next Meeting - Monday 12th March 2001

Jim Jackson wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:27:47 +0000 (GMT)

Greetings all,

Thanks to Frank and Gary for the talks at the February meeting.

Thanks to Simon for volunteering for the coming meeting about setting up 
and running 7/24 from home and many of the issues it thows up. I've also
volunteered to bore^H^H^H^Htalk about the syslog facility, a brief 
introduction for newcomers.

Simon says his talk is "An overview of 'always on' internet connections for
the home/casual user including an introduction to the concepts of networking,
firewalls, machine security and common internet services."

There was some vague talk about joining in the National Linux Install day at
the back end of April, but my commitments are building up and I don't really
think I can organise this. Refs are at....

Web site =       http://linuxday.org.uk
Installer info = http://linuxday.org.uk/info

If anyone is disappointed by this and wants WYLUG to join in, AND is prepared
to be the organiser, then just say so. I will do some helping, just can't take
the main organising on - the brains giving up :-(

For the April 9th Meeting Dave Fisher has "volunteered" (sorry Dave) to talk
about PHP and Web stuff.

I need speakers/volunteers for 14th May, 11th June and 9th July. I will be
twisting arms on Monday !!!

See you all there on Monday


p.s. beer. Everyone happy with the Victoria?


                West Yorkshire Linux Users Group  (WYLUG)

             Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend.
                          ----             ------

                      7 pm  Monday 12th March 2001
                         (6:30pm for coffee/tea)


                    24/7 Internet for the Home User
                              Simon Wood

                             Jim Jackson 
                         University of Leeds 

        WYLUG Venue:  Active Learning Lab.,  (Level 7, near staircase 2)
                      E.C. Stoner Building   (aka Physics/Admin)
                      University of Leeds
                      Woodhouse Lane
                      Leeds UK

             for location of Leeds University & Campus Map see

        General Discussion:

                LINUX  -  News, Views, Question and, hopefully, Answers

                WYLUG  -  what, who, when (and why :-)
                 Especially what happens at future meetings!
    Followed by beer and drinks at the Victoria Hotel, Great George Street

WYLUG - West Yorkshire Linux User Group     Secretary: jj@comp.leeds.ac.uk
http://www.wylug.org.uk         email lists: http://list.wylug.lug.org.uk