[Wylug-announce] Phorum

Richard Ibbotson wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk
Tue, 1 May 2001 18:44:59 +0100

               ShefLUG - New Phorum Bulletin Board

Just to let all of you know that we now have a new Phorum bulletin=20
board which is also a new improved Phorum bulletin board.  We have=20
four categories.....


This is for any topic like dead fish and used bananas etc.  As long=20
as it's a Linux used banana then that's fine.  The dead fish have to=20
be Linux certified as well.  We don't want the Penguins eating the=20
wrong things.


This is for me so that I can tell people when things are happening. =20
We can accept meeting announcements from WYlug and anyone else.  We=20
don't mind as long as it's a Linux meeting.

                             CLASSIFIED ADDS

If you want to sell that old 486 or the Sparc machine that you=20
knocked off from the University last year then put your advert here. =20
Got a community IT related project that you want to publicise.  Put=20
it here. =20


If you want a job or if you are looking for someone then please place=20
your info here.  Anything that is related to Linux or UNIX is=20
allowed. If it's MS Windows related then there's not much point in=20

All of the above are moderated.  That means that your post won't=20
appear until later in the day and it might have been edited if any=20
naughty language was used.

To get to the bulletin board you can just go to our front page and=20
click on the Phorum button on the right hand side of the page. If you=20
use a text based web browser such as Lynx or w3m then you will find=20
that both our front page and the Phorum bulletin board are text=20
browser friendly.

We do hope that all of you like our Phorum bulletin board and that we=20
will be able to use Phorum to help the British and International=20
Linux community to understand their needs and each other.

Thank you


Sheffield Linux
User's Group
