[Wylug-announce] ManLUG Meetings for May and June 2001

Dr A V Le Blanc wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk
Tue, 15 May 2001 16:14:11 +0100


MANLug meetings for May and June, 2001.

19 May 2001, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our website: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)
(Newcomers, do note that the name of our building has changed from
'Computer Building' to 'the Kilburn Building', and it is so marked
on the building, though few online maps have changed.)

     John Adams, Mintra

This is a short talk on Webmin from the perspective of a commercial
installer.  What is webmin?  A description of the main modules.
Requirements and problems of a commercial installer.  Why Webmin
satisfies all the needs of the commercial installer and of the
end user.  Writing modules for Webmin.  Comparison with Cobalt
and other web interfaces.  Demo of Webmin.

     Tobias Schiebeck, University of Manchester
     The 'make' command

How 'make' works, and what you can do with it.

16 June 2001, 14:00, usual place.

     Ewan Leith
     USB and ADSL drivers

Since USB and ADSL drivers are now available for Linux, and since
BT offer home ADSL connections, this talk explains how to set
it up and how it performs.

Note that we need a volunteer for another talk in June!  Thanks to
everyone who has done something for us already; if you promised
to do a talk and haven't delivered, you should be feeling guilty!

     -- Owen

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