[Wylug-announce] ManLUG meetings for September and October 2001

Dr A V Le Blanc wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:18:45 +0100


MANLug meetings for September and October, 2001.

15 September 2001, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our website: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)

     James Carter, Hyder Consulting
     Managing a Corporate IT Infrastructure using Open Source Tools

The company I work for recently implemented a centralised IT
management policy.  For this we need a set of tools to manage our
50+ NT Servers and 1300+ (Various MS OS's) Desktop PC's at 16 sites
across the UK.

We looked at a range of commercial software, but found no available
package that was suitable, due either to the cost or to the lack of
features.  Then we looked at open source tools and very quickly found
the tools we needed.  Our system now has 3 Linux servers with a range
of open source tools installed, including a system monitoring tool and
a multiuser help desk.

I will talk about the tools we chose and how we use them. I will also
talk briefly about some of the other tools we looked at and about some
of the improvements we plan for the future.

This is a real (mostly) Linux success story in a previously pure MS
environment. The ease of use and flexibility of Linux and open source
tools allowed us to achieve our goals faster and at a considerably
reduced cost when compared to similar commercial offerings.


No one has volunteered for a second talk.  I can report on Nigel
Metheringham's WYLUG presentation on Linux and UPSes.  Anyone who
has a brief presentation or report is welcome to bring it.

20 October 2001, 14:00, usual place.


Our new users will be drooling and panting to have Linux installed
on their machines.  People should bring CDs and their expertise in
S.u.S.E, Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, or any other reasonable
distribution.  Please help!

17 November 2001

I have a volunteer who plans to present CygWin.  For those of you
who don't know it, this is a Unix-like environment that runs on
Windows 98 and Windows NT, which now includes an X server and even
a desktop with KDE.

     -- Owen

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