[Wylug-announce] WYLUG Social (and Mapping Event) - 24th Feb 2008

Louisa Parry louisa at louisaparry.co.uk
Wed Feb 13 19:49:50 GMT 2008

Hi everyone,

After the inspiring talk about OpenStreetMap on Monday, we've decided we
should combine a mapping exercise thingy with the next WYLUG social

The events will take place in the afternoon/evening of Sunday 24th
February 2008.


Details to be confirmed on this but I suspect it'll be along the lines
* meet somewhere in the town centre in the early afternoon to match up
bodies with GPS devices and assign areas to cover etc
* go our separate ways to gather traces
* meet up again back in town to discuss our afternoons and for the more
experienced people to help the newbs like me get started turning traces
into maps


As the last time we had one (back in October because I've been pathetic
at organising them), we'll meet in the Scarbrough Hotel in the train
station because it's convenient for a lot of people and it does a good
range of ale (usually at least 4 or 5 on tap), plus other drinks.

Location - http://tinyurl.com/38t2yg (OpenStreetMap of course ;)

We'll be there from at least 7pm - earlier if the Mapping party ends up
there - and the Scarbrough usually does (pub grub) food until at least 8
or so if you need to eat.  We'll probably be there at the very least

It's just supposed to be a evening of geeky chattery - no talks, no
particular subject, just whatever you fancy chatting about within the
tech realm or beyond.

As always, all are welcome - newcomers and regulars alike.  If you've
not been down to a WYLUG before, just look out for the nice shiny
penguin poster - or get in touch beforehand and we'll keep an eye out
for you. :)

Also don't feel that you have to attend both bits - you can just map, or
just socialise, it's up to you.

Hope to see you there,
-Louisa :)

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