[Wylug-announce] ShefLUG - March 2017 Meeting

Richard Ibbotson richard.ibbotson at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 21:10:12 UTC 2017

                 Sheffield Linux Users Group (ShefLUG)

           Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend

             Saturday 4th March 2017 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

 We'll be having our March meeting on the 4th.   We thought that 
our March meeting might go down well at the Holt Cafe. The 
address is...  156 Arundel Street Sheffield, S1 4RE

If you don't have a car then you might like to know that  there are 
plenty of buses running to and from the city centre to the cafe.  Call 
01709 515151 for bus information.  Use Google maps if you don't 
know where the Holt Cafe is. Tea and coffee is available.  There is 
a good selection of food. Look out for someone sitting next to a
laptop in front of him at the back of the cafe.


 The topic of the meeting will be a general discussion or we can fix
some hardware or software.    If you need some help with that we can
most likely point you in the right direction.  

We hope to discuss our proposed install fest which we think is taking
place in April. If you want to know more about anything else come 
along and ask questions.  We seem to have a keen and interested 
band of EeePC and other netbook people who bring them along to 
meetings.  Android telephones seem to have become a feature of 
our meetings.  Various tablets have also appeared.  All of them 
Android or GNU/Linux based.  The Raspberry Pi has established a 
firm grip on most things around us 

                       http://youtu.be/o774LMtfeJY - 

Thanks to the operating system that it runs on.  We can discuss any 
version of GNU/Linux that you might be interested in.  A quick look 
around Distrowatch should give you some idea of what's happening 
just now...


Always worth talking about.  Any version of BSD is also
welcome.    Hope we see you at our meeting.



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