[Wylug-discuss] Themes for future introductory talks

Dixon, Richard Richard.Dixon at herhis.nhs.uk
Thu Jul 10 13:41:30 BST 2003


Sadly I missed the all of the introductory talks, but would appreciate a theme for half-baked users of Linux like myself.  I am currently using a HD install of Knoppix (Debian, Open Office, KDE etc) and have tried to use this a base for more adventurous things like MySQL.  Sadly, I could not get the damn RPM file to load, but had no time to follow up the issues, since I have no official endorsement within the NHS to use Linux and this is largely a lunchtime hobby, using salvaged kit.

I suppose a beginners tweaks theme for Distro-users like me would be good, covering things like: dependencies and kernel upgrades etc.

Richard Dixon
Principal Information Analyst
Health Informatics Service (HIS)

Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby

Telephone: 01482 672006
Fax: 01482 672014

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Jackson [mailto:jj at comp.leeds.ac.uk]
Sent: 10 July 2003 13:15
To: WYLUG Announce list
Subject: [Wylug-announce] Next Meeting - Monday 14th July 2003

Greetings All,

I understand the last meeting was a success. Thanks to Aaron and Dave, and Mark for "room service" :-)

So that's the last of the Introductory series of talks. So what did people think - was it worth doing? Should we do a "series" again? If so on what linking themes, and aimed at who? Ideas to

  wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk

or to the pub after monday's meeting.

This coming monday (14th July) we have talks on "Power Shell Usage: 'Bash' Tips & Tricks" by smylers and "Creating a Bootable CD" by Owen Le Blanc. See http://www.wylug.org.uk/ for more details.

A reminder that the August 11th meeting is the informal summer holiday meeting, in the Victoria Pub. I'm hoping to get some food laid on, but it's not organised yet. I'm sure some commercial outfit said they'd spansor this but I forget who said that - mail me please.

Also a couple of people have suggested we have a showing of "Revolution OS" film ( http://www.revolution-os.com/ ) so I plan to organise that for sometime after the start of the University term in October. Mark Spink has had an idea for a different WYLUG evening, and we will be discussing that down at the Victoria pub after the meeting - all welcome.



                West Yorkshire Linux Users Group  (WYLUG)

             Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend.
                          ----             ------

                           Monday 14th July 2003

                      6:30 pm for Tea/Coffee and chat
                          7 pm prompt for speakers

                  Power Shell Usage: 'Bash' Tips & Tricks

                         Question and Answer Session

                            Creating a Bootable CD
                                Owen Le Blanc
                          Manchester Computing Centre

        WYLUG Venue:  Active Learning Lab.,  (Level 9, near staircase 2)
                      E.C. Stoner Building   (aka Physics/Admin)
                      University of Leeds
                      Woodhouse Lane
                      Leeds UK

             for location of Leeds University & Campus Map see

    "Informal" Discussions Continue after the meeting at the Victoria Pub
              on Great George St. at the back of the Town Hall.

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