[Wylug-discuss] Another little project

Martyn Ranyard martyn at syn.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 15:02:52 BST 2003

This one's very cute, I promise :

Commodore Amiga A1200 - m68k chip
Can run linux fine aparrently.
Has a memory expansion board on the Commodore legacy expansion bit.
Has a single 16bit pcmcia slot.
Want to run it as a firewall! :-)

My thoughts were :
1. PCMCIA <-> USB Card and two USB <-> 10m Lan adapters (I think USB is 32bit,
so likely to be impossible)
2. PCMCIA Port doubler (never seen one, as most laptops have 2 ports, it's
probably possible, but where do I find one)
3. Dual Port PCMCIA Lan Card (I've seen dual-port PCI cards, but has anyone seen
dual-port PCMCIA cards?)
4. Give up and use it as an XTerm for the Telly (only one nic needed then).

So far I've not got anywhere with doing it as I can't find any of the parts from
options 1-3.  I know it would be cheaper and easier to find an old machine to do
it with, but it's fun getting linux going on an alternate arch, amigas are quiet
and the idea of an amiga as a firewall is just so funny!

Martyn Ranyard
Development Manager
Synergistic Software
(01937) 573 446

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