[Wylug-discuss] Wow, its soooo quiet.

Thomas, Nicholas nick.thomas at eldon.co.uk
Thu Apr 22 10:22:59 BST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: che [mailto:kai.che at ntlworld.com]
> Sent: 22 April 2004 10:07
> To: Thomas, Nicholas
> Subject: Re: [Wylug-discuss] Wow, its soooo quiet.
> >
>        Yes. however the list still records all. anyone caught
> doing any
> bjork refernces or tributes will be sent to iceland to work in a
> fishfinger factory.
> 1. no impish scampering abouut going "shhh!"
> 2. no  marching bands
> 3. doing cartwheels.
> and so on.

Oh really? Is it that serious. But I don't like fish fingers!

I had better be careful then, I don't want any blatant bjork references to
be seen, "all neon like", people might think I am "immature" and I might
have to spend "5 years" in Iceland.



P.S. I got these song titles from www.bjork.com
DAMN, I'll pack my bags.

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