[Wylug-discuss] DVD-RW fun... don't buy a Sony. (Do buy NEC)

Steve King steve at kingsteve.co.uk
Thu Aug 5 18:54:52 BST 2004

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Dave Fisher wrote:

> This is now the third case of NEC perfection I've encountered recently
> (including my own).  I've no idea and don't care about model numbers,
> etc., but they all seem to work as advertised.

I have the single layer writer (2500a - the 2510 was out of stock when I
bought it), but have upgraded it to dual layer and to let me write at 8x
to more media.  I've not used it in linux, but it's worked fine for me
in Windows (sorry, sorry, sorry, but my linux machine isn't as beefy as
my windows games box - and doom3 does appear to need windows and beefy
Expensive  DVcam and DVDRW drive make a nice combo. If only the DVcam
was mine :-(


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