[Wylug-discuss] *nix on G4 Mac Mini

Dave Fisher wylug-discuss at davefisher.co.uk
Wed Oct 31 15:06:33 GMT 2007

On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 01:35:24PM +0000, Aaron Crane wrote:
> Peter Nix writes:
> > If you stick with macos as a base system you can add Fink
> > http://www.finkproject.org/about.php
> I used a Mac as my main machine for about a year.  One of the things
> that made me go back to Linux on the desktop was the way package
> management works on the Mac.  
<big snip>

Thanks for that Aaron,

Your account precisely matched my own (unpleasant) experience of package
management on the Mac ... and hopefully explained the problem to those
who haven't used or mastered apt.

I found the desktop equally frustrating, for the similar reasons, i.e.
most of the things I wanted to do were possible, but rarely in a
consistent/efficient/elegant way. For example:

  1. Lousy keyboard mapping and re-mapping
     - Utterly necessary
       - To utilise fink/ports installed OSS apps, e.g. use a proper
         META key and avoid mapping conflicts with OS X defaults.
       - Because I have little use of my left hand
     - Loads of keys misplaced on a standard UK PC105 keyboard.
       - Criminal, given the Mac Mini's USPs
       - And a show-stopper for me, because I access the Mac Mini
         through a KVM
     - Very primitive modifier key re-mapping in Preferences
     - I couldn't find any proper documentation on how to produce an
       alternative keyboard layout file (although that's not easy on
       Xorg either).
  2. No virtual desktops by default

     The couple of 3rd party VD packages I tried had limited
     configurability and bugs that regularly crashed the GUI

  3. Lack of accessible/findable Window management bindings required to
     comforably drive a GUI from the keyboard (it's possible, but
     clunky), e.g.

     - Shift focus directly to specific windows, rather than toggling
       through lists of apps or their windows
     - Move/resize windows
     - Toggle maximise/minimize in different directions
     - Toggle window raise/lower
None of the above is perfect in Linux either, but it is reasonably
doable with a bit of googling.


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