[Wylug-discuss] What Distro to give away....

Phil Foxton phil at thefoxtons.org.uk
Fri Oct 10 07:05:14 UTC 2008

>From experience I would steer then towards on of the major distros, so
RedHat or Suse as the majority of contracts I have worked on over the
last 8 years have used one or both of those.

Fedora has Live CDs, and OpenSuse does too, IIRC.  If you wanted a
distro closer to the real world RHEL then Whitebox might be agood

And my advice to people considering a career in IT? Don't do it unless
you have a real passion for it, the starting salaries are poor and the
work menial, it can take 10 years, and a real talent, before you start
seeing decent money.

Just my view


On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 23:04 +0100, Chris Street wrote:
> Evening all.....
> I am helping out at a careers evening at a local school in Skipton in a 
> couple of weeks time - we will be presenting a stand and answering 
> questions about IT as a career. Since I'm dragging along a couple of 
> boxes at least one will be running Linux in some form.
> I was going to take along a stack of CD's in case anyone asks what that 
> funny version of Windows is and would like to have a copy...:-) Ubuntu 
> would be the obvious choice I guess - easy to run and install, Live CD 
> option etc but would appreciate any other thoughts on a suitable distro, 
> or indeed on anything else. The students are as far as I know what I 
> would call sixth form, which I think is now Year 13?
> Chris.
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