[Wylug-discuss] Delurk and how not to use rsyncApa

Richard Ibbotson richard.ibbotson at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 22 14:26:45 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 22 June 2011 14:57:29 John Hodrien wrote:
> Rsync was once buggy and they've at some point added bugs.  Now
> it's more reliable than an incredibly buggy piece of software. 
> Faint praise indeed.
> Finish off noting that you've used it but with an implication that
> it's still in some way inadequate or buggy.

<shrug> You would think that the Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora and other 
developers would remove all bugs.  Even though they work on a 
voluntary R&D scheme.  But, the way it works is that bugs are removed 
and then at a later date they put them back in again.  Not my problem. 
</shrug>.  I don't compain about bugs.  Or, moan in any other way.  I 
just see it as it is.  If you do science you see what is there and you 
report the evidence as it is.  Nothing else.   Just now I'm suffering 
from a Debian Apache2/SSL bug where certificates are not properly 
created and so I am having to force some options to make it work.  
I've confirmed this with an Australian Debian develoer who is well 
known and very respectable.  He was as surprised as I am.

Let's see...  I helped to start Linux Magazine, Linux User and 
Developer Magazine, Linux format, some of the American Linux trade 
shows all over America and Europe and Japan and China and Australia.  
Started Linux back in 1982 as part of the Nimrod project.  Which is 
where it came from.  I was laid out under a table in the Crown and 
Anchor at Findhorn when I came up with the idea.   Linus wrote the 
code some years later.  I suggested ideas about Open Source to ICL 
programmers back in 1974.  When I worked for Thos. W. Ward at Saville 
Street.  Suggested the idea of Osdem to the Belgians which later 
became Fosdem.   There's a lot more but no space for it here.

So, as far as I'm concerned I don't have to answer to anyone.


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