[Wylug-discuss] Running Windows with VirtualBox

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Sat Feb 4 09:26:13 UTC 2012

Aaron Crane writes:

> Smylers <Smylers at stripey.com> wrote:
> > My most common reason for wanting Windows is to see how a webpage
> > looks in IE, while fiddling with it.
> If that's the only thing you anticipate needing Windows for (and it's
> certainly the only thing I've needed Windows for in a long time) then
> there may be another option.  Microsoft offer free downloads of a
> Virtual PC image with Windows 7 and IE9; and it *may* be possible to
> convert that image to a format that can be run with VMware and/or
> VirtualBox.

Thanks. I shall bear that in mind as an option.

(Also: I wish Microsoft would pick more distinctive names for their
products, rather than attempting to redefine generic terms. I initially
mis-read the above as "a virtual PC image" and was wondering what format
that would be in.)

If nothing else this thread has taught me that dealing with Windows is
far more complicated than I could've expected -- and than my day-to-day
life of using Ubuntu is -- and I'm glad it features so little in my
life. I really don't know how others can cope with it!

Thank you everybody who's contributed.


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