[Wylug-discuss] Copy files by date

Aaron Crane arc at aaroncrane.co.uk
Wed Jan 25 14:44:41 UTC 2012

Smylers <Smylers at stripey.com> wrote:
> FreeBSD's date command doesn't have --date, so I suspect OS X's doesn't
> either, unfortunately.

True.  But there's a workaround in this case:

$ /usr/bin/uname -sr
Darwin 10.8.0
$ /bin/date
Wed 25 Jan 2012 14:38:44 GMT
$ /bin/date -v -1d +'%F'

The -v option to date(1) in FreeBSD and Mac OS X takes an "adjustment"
to apply to the date before printing it; in this case, we adjust by
subtracting one day ("-1d").  Then the %F date format shows just the
date, as desired.

> Maybe simply installing Gnu tools would be the best way round this?

Yes, often.

Aaron Crane ** http://aaroncrane.co.uk/

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