[Wylug-discuss] [Bradford] Linux Foundation and Microsoft

Mohammed Djavanroodi mo.roodi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:55:34 UTC 2015

Doing a bit of reading there seems to be quite a few places where Microsoft
is involved in the Linux Foundation.

They're part of their Core Infrastructure Initiative
which prodominently seems to want to look after, and more importantly fund,
things like OpenSSL that have become a core part of the internet, but are
maintained as open source software.

Looks like another MS involvement is in the Internet of Things (IoT) side
of things, which makes sense since a lot of companies are moving in that

Also Microsoft has been opening itself up to Linux more since Nadalla took
over, open sourcing technologies like .Net, and generally becoming more
friendly towards both open source in general and Linux more specifically.
They're a Linux kernel contributor, mostly to get Linux playing nicely with
Hyper-V, and a good chunk of the Virtual Machiens on Azure are Linux (I
don't just have the quoted figures to hand). So from Microsoft's point of
view being involved in the Linux Foundation makes sense.

On 19 February 2015 at 15:12, Darren Menachem Drapkin <
darren.drapkin at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> I know that this sounds alarmist, but does anyone know the details of
> Microsoft's new association with The Linux Foundation ? I thought that
> they were on the board now.  What is going on!
> --
> Darren Drapkin
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