[Wylug-discuss] [Wylug-announce] Tonight's meeting

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Wed Jun 3 12:31:28 UTC 2015

Türker Sezer writes:

> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Darren Menachem Drapkin <
> darren.drapkin at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> > Those of you who are paddling your way through the puddles to the Lord
> > Darcy this evening will be pleased to know that I have a computer and a
> > book ready to discuss AWK the data driven data processing language.
> We got that email too late again.
> Could you please create a white-list on server at least for known
> group members?

Wylug Discuss lets known subscribers' subsequent mails straight through.

Wylug Announce is a low-traffic announcement-only list, specifically for
those who just want announcements and nothing else. The way so far of
enforcing both ‘low traffic’ and ‘announcement only’ is to moderate all
messages to it.

This moderation prevents both accidents (subscribers mailing, or
replying to, the wrong list by mistake or through ignorance;
out-of-office auto-replies) and abuse (people wanting their request for
help/job ad/whatever to qualify as an announcement). There have in the
past been both of these been caught by moderation — of which subscribers
would, of course, be unaware; that's the whole point of the moderation.

If it isn't possible to announce meetings more than a day in advance, I

• Post the announcement to the Wylug Discuss list (by somebody who's
  successfully posted to that list before).

• Ping me by email or on Twitter, and if I happen to be available right
  then, I'll approve it on Wylug Announce straight away.

  (I'm not the only moderator, but I'm not in a position to say that
  it's OK to contact any other moderators directly like this.)


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