[Wylug-discuss] absence

Graham Whaley graham.whaley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 10:07:11 UTC 2016

On 24 November 2016 at 20:00, Darren Menachem Drapkin via
Wylug-discuss <wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk> wrote:
> Sorry I could not come to wylug this month. I have had rather a lot to do
> for Open University recently. I will try to arrange a demo of some sort for
> next month.

Hey, no problem - we can't all make it all the time :-)

It was a good evening - some varied chat. Some around the i3 window
manager (http://i3wm.org/), which two folks actively run, and another
had tried at least. Some container/docker chatter, and some talk
around git usage, and commit message 'style'. David, with reference to
that last one, the kernel community have a good set of guidelines they
adhere to fairly strictly (that is, if your commit does not follow the
rules it pretty much isn't getting merged into the codebase). A good
overview can be found in the kernel source tree docs:

Some of that is kernel-ish specific, and some possibly a little
outdated (iirc there is no mention of git send-email and maybe no git
format-patch either for instance), and the workflow is email based,
and many of us are possibly using services such as github which have a
bit of a different (PR based) workflow etc. - but, the essence of how
to create a good commit message and organise patches still applies.

And then on to the December meet - the last Thursday would be the 29th
December, and I think we agreed it was looking, shall we say,
'non-optimal' for turnout. Thus, right now it is not clear what we
will do in December, if anything. There may be an impromptu 'get
together for a beer', maybe in town. Open for ideas and thoughts


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