[Wylug-discuss] what upgrades?

Scott Hodgson linux at sh2515.plus.com
Fri Apr 7 12:24:52 UTC 2017


I haven't bought a new home system for sometime, I sort of dread it with
regards to finding all the compatible stuff for Linux.

What do people recommend I have approximately £250 to spend on a


RAM - 16GB


I used to keep upto date with all this stuff decades ago when I used to
play games myself but have lost track of anything.

CPU - AMD or Intel? which works better? I see intel have integrated GPU
in the CPU but AMD don't.

RAM I see is still pretty generic

Motherboards - not sure what the chipsets are or stand for and if they
all come with graphics integrated.

I use the computer for general e-mails and web stuff, document writing
spreadsheets etc. Rare stuff I use it for is Video & audio
rendering/encoding/converting, might play the odd game, but very rare stuff.

Any point in the right direction will help.



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