[Wylug-discuss] Dual graphics laptops

Simon Brown lists at 700c.org
Tue Feb 21 11:36:09 UTC 2017


I'm looking to get a new laptop and I'm wondering if anyone has any
experience of newish dual graphics laptops? My current laptop has both
intel and nvidia graphics, but it's from the early days of such devices,
so I have a HW switch and reboot to change between. It's a bit clunky,
but works well enough with ubuntu for my needs. The newer systems are
all SW GPU selection with tools like bumblebee as far as I understand. A
quick look at the market suggests that Nvidia dominate, but there are a
few laptops out there with an intel CPU and an AMD GPU.

If you have such a system I'd like to know which distro you use, how
much pain it was to get going and whether it works well in the end?



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