[Wylug-help] Winpopup client for Kde
GaryStainburngary.stainburn at ringways.co.uk
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 10:37:49 +0100
Hi all.
I've now come 100% Linux in my office in Doncaster. The only real problem
I have so far is that I'm missing a Winpopup client. We use Winpop
extensively at Ringways, which makes me a bit deaf.
I can send winpop's from the command-line using smbclient, and if I try hard,
I could knock up something using the 'message command = ....' in smb.conf
but 1) if someone's already invented the wheel why do it again, and 2) I've never
programmed in X before, and I've never done any event driven programming on
anything else except Win95/Delphi.
Every now and again, people suggest that we as a group develop an open source
project. If there is nothing out there already, can I propose this as a good small
first project.
Gary Stainburn.
Work: http://www.ringways.co.uk mailto:gary.stainburn@ringways.co.uk
REVCOM: http://www.revcom.org.uk mailto:gary.stainburn@revcom.org.uk
Murphy's Laws: (327) Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.