[Wylug-help] i buy two 2nd hand computers

MCanalsmat9mc@sun.leeds.ac.uk MCanalsmat9mc at sun.leeds.ac.uk
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:36:42 +0100 (BST)


eventually i have decided to have a bit more fun 
(...or trouble) with linux.

i would like to make a mini LAN in my home, with
trhee computers. I already have my old Pentium,
and now i would like to buy two old and second
hand computers (486 will do...my part time job as
a cleaner don't let me afford more expensive machines)
to start with my mini net.

do you want to get rid of your old computers for
a few pounds ? (and also if you have some stuff
for the network, like the proper interface network cards 
for those mother boards, and wire, then that would be great!)

thank you!

marcos canals