[Wylug-help] Java on Toshiba laptop

PhillipMarsdenatWYLUGphillipmarsden-wylug@talk21.com PhillipMarsdenatWYLUGphillipmarsden-wylug at talk21.com
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 12:04:42 +0100

Can anyone help?

I have two Toshiba laptops on which I am using Java (SDK 122 & 12). These 
machines use Linux and W95/W98. When I write a (simple) program using the 
Swing gui components the display goes blotchy where the mouse has been 
clicked. The screen is not being refreshed properly, if at all. When the 
object code (class files) are transferred to and used on Linux, the display 
is fine, so the hardware must be ok. The same applies to a desktop machine 
on which the same code is executed. It would appear that the screen drivers 
need updating.

This is where the biggest problem lies. I have downloaded the latest 
drivers for both machines. The SP430 has downloaded and installed ok, but 
with no improvement. The SP4280 has (after a struggle) downloaded, but 
there is no installation procedure. I have tried to contact Toshiba, but 
they put every conceivable obstacle in the way - they do not want to deal 
with customers. I have found a 'contact us' section, very well hidden, but 
have not had any response.

Does anyone know how I can contact these people other than hanging on to an 
expensive phone call to their HQ? Has anyone solved this problem and can 
give me the solution? Help would be appreciated.

Regards, Phillip Marsden.

PS Have just discovered that using the same components from within JBuilder 
(W95) works just fine!