[Wylug-help] The tape saga continues...

Martyn Ranyard martyn at syn.co.uk
Fri Aug 15 10:59:26 BST 2003

Oh what fun! :-)

We managed to get a data recovery house to put that tape reel onto CD.  So now
we have a file of the contents of the tape.  The wierdness is getting more :

- The tape contained ~55MB of data
- This means that it would have probably not been AOS/VS or RDOS - good news I
guess - The expense of a tape drive that could store that much made it extremely
unlikely to have been a machine that would run them.
- The tape format is not tar, or cpio, so it probably wasn't a unix system :(
- The header of the file starts thus :
**HDR*^@<8D>^@^P^@*^@^C^@^A%<80>^A^@<A0>^@  16:42:03 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1997.^@
^@^@^@^@^@^@VOLUME= 1       SECTOR SIZE= 256SOURCE=.D
- We think the dbms was informix - is there an informix backup format?

Anyone who has any clues, please feel free to theorise! :-)


Martyn Ranyard
Development Manager
Synergistic Software
(01937) 573 446

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