[Wylug-help] VIA EPIA 5000 Mini-ITX mainboard

John Hodrien johnh at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:14:00 +0000 (GMT)

On 16 Feb 2003, Philip Wyett wrote:

> As I remember and we calculated each 800MHz CPU popping around 1550
> bogomips i.e. a theoretical total of around the 24800 bogomips. Of
> course the theoretical never really ends up being the actual and in
> testing it peaked at 22000 if my memory serves.

I thought bogomips was simply Mhz * multiplier?

> Total for the 16 nodes + 1 control PC - =C2=A34267 ish

Good total.

> There was the hub and a few minor components. but the above gives a
> decent idea of node and total.
> I will note we bought all the parts in bulk at the same time as getting
> components to build 250 PC's. So the discounting was at a premium as you
> can imagine.


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                                                     -- Andy Finkel