[Wylug-help] ditto tape drivers for kernel 2.4.18

Alan J. Wylie alan.nospam at glaramara.freeserve.co.uk
23 Feb 2003 18:50:05 +0000

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 15:32:45 +0000, Tim Cliffe <tcliffe@otarkik.com> said:

> Hello; Does anyone know:

> 	1) how to get ditto tape drives (parport) working with 2.4.18
> kernel distros (pref suse8.1); 2) as '1' above but, where to get
> such a driver.

I had a <Iomega Ditto Easy 3200> tape drive connected to a Linux box a
couple of years ago. I rapidly gave up on it - the h/w is a pile of
c**p, IMHO.

The final straw, IIRC was a tape that got corrupted somehow, and
there was no way of doing a format on it.

Why are you asking the question? If you intend to use the h/w for
backup, may I *STRONGLY* recommend against it. CD-writable is a far
better solution. If you are trying to recover some data, contact me
and I might be able to find out how I got it going.

Alan J. Wylie                            http://www.glaramara.freeserve.co.uk/

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