[Wylug-help] Re-installing GRUB - was Re: Restoring /boot and MBR

John Hodrien johnh at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 15:37:48 +0000 (GMT)

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Gavin Harris wrote:

> I don't know why people don't like grub, it's always saving me from having
> to remember not to forget to run lilo when I recomplile the kernel.

Discovering that the reiserfs support only supports the standard tea hash
after you've just changed / to r5...  I know this is probably old hat by now,
but I was miffed at the time.


"Clothes make the man.  Naked people have little or no influence on society."
                                                     -- Mark Twain