[Wylug-help] setting up Apache for virtual hosts for LAN only access

Mike mike at jazzitis.uklinux.net
Wed Dec 22 18:31:33 GMT 2004

After a deathly wall of silence on the SSL question, can anyone help
with the following? I am trying to set up virtual hosts on Apache 1.3.33
to serve for testing purposes 4 web sites (number could grow). I've read
loads of stuff, hard copy and on the web, including the manual. I'm
trying to set it up so I can view the
sites from either of the other two machines on the network, but not to
go out to the public. After a lot of messing about, I've got as far as
the following error message when using test.php, which at least is
showing the script to be where I put it!:

Warning: Unknown(/usr/local/web/vhost/test.php): failed to open stream:
Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/usr/local/web/vhost/test.php' for
inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

When I try and enter any of the sites, e.g. http://duke/anysite I get a
permission error. I've put a <Directory> block inside the <Virtual Host>
block to try and overcome it, but without joy so far.

The php error suggests to me I should be doing something in php.ini? Or
is that one more of Linux's red herrings?

I made the directories in /usr/local/ from /web onwards myself, because
in spite
of what the manual says there was not one there. Web browsing has told
me that those directories often come under /var/www/ but, although that
directory exists, none of the files or directories I am led to believe
should be there are actually there! I built Apache from .tar.gz
download, with --enable-modules=most and --shared-module=max, then
php.4.3.8 with apxs and a load of other things.

Oh, yes, there is one more thing: If I type into the browser command
line something like http://nameofsubdir I get the following URL
How on earth do I get M$ sticking its ugly snout in? And not an M$
programme in site on my machine!

All suggestions regarding the Apache problem gratefully received.

Season's greetings to all, and whatever you wish yourselves for '05.

Best regards,

Mike Goodman

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