Solved - Re: [Wylug-help] Lack of PHP syntax errors on FC4

Gary Stainburn gary.stainburn at
Wed Dec 21 18:17:14 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 21 December 2005 16:34, Phil Driscoll wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 December 2005 16:15, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Any ideas what else I need to do to get the errors output?
> >
> > I've googled, but while there's haystacks on error handling there are no
> > needles that are useful.
> Maybe php isn't getting as far as starting up, in which case, setting
> display_startup_errors = On
> in php.ini may help.

Turned out to be the default entry in php.ini

error_reporting  =  E_ALL & E_STRICT

Changed it to 

error_reporting  =  E_ALL | E_STRICT

and all's right with the world. It's logging to both the log file and the 
browser (which I can now turn off again)
Gary Stainburn
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