[Wylug-help] Mail server problem

Darran Rimron darran at xalior.com
Sun Feb 27 14:51:17 GMT 2005

Anne Wilson wrote:

> >does telnet'ing, from "localhost" to the real IP on port 123 work?
> I'm not sure what you are asking.

Your machine has two (atleast) IP addresses. listening on lo
and on eth. Testing against (the address that
localhost resolves to) is often a pointless test.

>   I tried telnet 110 on the
> server as well as on the remote box, if that's what you mean, and got the
> 'connection refused' message in both cases.

In which case your pop3d isn't responding/listening.  Check to see where
you xinetd is logging and have a peep to see if there's any clues on
*WHY* your inetd isn't answering requests.

Simplest case to test/play with (when new to xinetd) can be chargen as
xinetd uses a "builtin" (they call it type=INTERNAL iirc) handler for
this.- extra handy as you know that no-one on your LAN is going to be
using this so if you break it beyond words (pretty hard!) no-one will now ;)

xinetd also supports a couple of handy command line switches, at start
time (on debian they can be set in /etc/defaults/xinetd - on mandrake
*shrug* investigate /etc/init.d/xinetd - or whatever your startup script
is called) - ones worth looking at are -syslog and -d (for debug) - more
details in man xinetd, of course.


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