[Wylug-help] redo/reset KDE - is this even possible

chris mackins c.mackins at bradford.ac.uk
Sat Jan 29 15:51:35 GMT 2005

On Saturday 29 Jan 2005 3:30 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

> Whatever went wrong that day just does not fit the normal pattern.  I think
> it is time to re-install.  Format your / partition but not /home.  If your
> files are there you will find them - they will not be damaged by the
> install.  If they are not there when you have finished they were not there
> when you started.

This is not an option I've considered yet, but I have nothing to lose (i've
lost it all already - essays, ongoing work, JOB APPS, downloads...)

I'll try a format during the week - I'll feedback.  I'm over the worst of it
all now, if its lost its lost (I have older backups for some of the work) -
and it's certainly a lesson to backup much more frequently.

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