[Wylug-help] Permissions (Was: Procmail problem - resolved)

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Wed Nov 23 23:57:32 GMT 2005

Stephen Patterson writes:

> On 22 Nov 05, Smylers (Smylers at stripey.com) wrote:
> > I don't remember ever really suffering from problems with
> > permissions.  Equally, I've never completely got my head round the
> > binary/octal arithmetic necessary for setting permissions like 644.
> For the 644 permissions etc, we have a matrix like this
> 4 2 1
> r w x
> for the user/group/all. So, mode 6 = rw, etc.

Thank you, but I did actually mean the bit above where I said I've never
had problem with permissions!  And you snipped me saying "I'd advise
completely forgetting about the numbers (not learning them in the first
place is probably superior, but if that's already happened there isn't
much you can do) and giving the symbols a try".

I wasn't requesting help with working out the numbers; I was suggesting
that not knowing about them is a preferable state to be in, cos the
symbols are less error-prone, and if you don't know the numbers then you
aren't tempted to use them!

May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a
difference in this world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done.

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