[Wylug-help] Which Version of Linux?

phyae at phys-irc.leeds.ac.uk phyae at phys-irc.leeds.ac.uk
Mon Oct 24 08:20:32 BST 2005

> Isn't Knoppix just a 'live CD'?  That's where you don't install the OS
> from the CD to your hard disk; it just boots off the CD and runs from
> there.
> This is great in several situations such as: demos; checking that the OS
> works with your hardware; doing something which requires Linux on a
> friend's computer which doesn't have it; and repairing broken
> installations.  But for day-to-day use you probably want something that
> actually installs to your hard disk.  Apart from anything else, loading
> the entire OS from a CD is very slow, and ties up your CD drive.

It is meant to be a "live distro". The latest version [not sure about earlier] 
however you can copy to harddisk, boot from harddisk, install new programmes 
there - but this is not what you want to do as a beginner to the scene, I 
suppose :-)

> In general there isn't that much difference -- at least not when you're
> new to Linux, cos they'll probably all be equally overwhelming!  If you
> have a mate who's already running Linux (or it's used at work or
> something) then go for whichever distro he uses: being able to have
> advice work exactly the same far outweighs any slight advantages in one
> package manager or another.

Nothing remains to be said about it. Just go for one. 


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