[Wylug-help] OT My Linux daughter

Paul Hardy pahardy at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Apr 17 12:18:39 BST 2006

Hello All,

   Sorry this isn't a help query but I had to share it with you....

I went to the computer today (dual-boot Win98/Vector) & found my 
9-yr-old daughter had been using it. Fine so far, but then I saw she had 
eschewed the "fancy" window managers IceWM & Xfce and had chosen to log 
in with Fluxbox!

I laughed, & then I had to take a screenshot.. it's at 
www.quantsuff.blueyonder.co.uk/alice.gif if you're interested. I put up 
the terminal just to show it was her log-in.

This is the only time I will ever be able to brandish any kind of linux 
credibility, even if it is by proxy.

Happy Easter to you all,

Paul Hardy

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