[Wylug-help] PHP / MySQL development question

Roger Beaumont roger.bea at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Oct 12 12:52:44 BST 2007

James Holden wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 12:20:17PM +0100, Roger Beaumont wrote:
>>According to the docs, mysql_query() returns a resource for SEARCH and such 
>>queries that retrieve rows from a table, but for others (which I believe 
>>includes INSERT) it returns a boolean, which would mean the second 
>>mysql_query() is nonsense (but presumably error messages are ignored).
> Something like that.
>>Am I right (which would explain why I've not seen this construct before) or 
>>does it do something I'm not understanding?
> Yes - there will be something in the error log (presumably lots of
> times) warning of nonsense passed to mysql_query().

Thanks.  I thought so, but since I'm playing on the live data (!) 
suck-it-and-see didn't seem the best way to check.  ;)


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