[Wylug-help] Folder permissions

imran.javeed at i-ksolutions.com imran.javeed at i-ksolutions.com
Wed Jul 30 12:55:53 BST 2008


Are you using ext2/3?

If so use

Use chattr +i on the files you wanna keep

------Original Message------
From: RichardA
Sender: Wylug Help
To: Wylug
Sent: 30 Jul 2008 00:35
Subject: [Wylug-help] Folder permissions

I keep our photos in /home/shared/camera. This folder and files are
owned by root:shared and the permissions are rwxr-x--- so that none of
us can accidentally delete photos.

F-spot has an import function which happens when the camera memory card
is automounted, but it fails due to the restricted permissions.

It seems to me that my options are:

1. ACLs - complicated

2. Run a different import script as root, using setuid (?)

3. Set the sticky bit (?) and have a cron job reset the permissions

Which is these is the best/easiest way? Is there a better one?



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Imran Javeed

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