[Wylug-help] (no subject)

Glenn glennschultz at talktalk.net
Sun Mar 8 21:30:10 UTC 2009

Hi guys!
I hope this reaches you because that'll mean that I've actually done
something right!! Woo hoo!!
So I've managed to configure Evolution to send an e-mail, next step is
to install an up to date version of Fedora and then just when I've got
that working (ish) replace with a different distro altogether because
Fedora's a bit too technical for a total newbie!!
My next question is that when I minimise the 'windows' that I'm using
they vanish altogether - there's a blur of movement which seems to lead
to the bar at the bottom of the screen. When I do this using a Microsoft
system this leaves a button on the bar which I can click on to restore
the window with my current system there's nothing so I end up with
several reduced size windows on the screen.  Is this something that will
be resolved when I put on the new o/s or is it something to do with the
way I have the machine configured?
Thanks in advance

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