[Wylug-help] Ubuntu Phone - anyone have one?

Scott Hodgson linux at sh2515.plus.com
Thu Jan 21 21:58:38 UTC 2016

A bit late to the e-mail

Yes I have one, but what you are saying is a bit too complicated for me.

On Thu, 2015-12-03 at 12:29 +0000, David Morris wrote:
> Ah, I found the slides from the 2014 embedded linux conference which
> showed the interaction between Ubuntu applications and the main
> O/S. http://elinux.org/images/c/cf/Ubuntu_Touch_Internals_1.pdf
> Seems like the call setup and teardown is controlled by a package
> called ofono (Which Graham mentioned to me the other week) and ofono
> includes modem drivers.
> The ofono source code is available so I'll go dig around that to see
> what comes up
> Overview of ofono: https://01.org/ofono
> Ubuntu phone ofono branch: https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono
> Original ofono source code
> repository: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/network/ofono/ofono.git
> On 3 December 2015 at 11:58, David Morris
> <david.morris at 3gtelecoms.net> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Does anyone on the list have an Ubuntu phone (like those from
>         BQ / Meizu)?
>         I'm intrigued to know if the call audio is available to linux
>         programs or not. 
>         In most smartphones the GSM side of the call audio is linked
>         only to the speaker and o/s applications don't have the
>         capability to interact with both sides of the conversation.
>         This is normally part of the baseband firmware on the GSM/UMTS
>         chip, and it's not clear if Ubuntu has access to this audio or
>         not.
>         If the ubuntu phone has a call recorder then this would show
>         that both sides of the call conversation are available to the
>         operating system.
>         Thanks!
>         David Morris
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