[YLUG] ubuntu-uk forums

Simon Ward simon at principia.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 1 22:20:26 GMT 2006

On Nov 1 2006, Robert Hulme wrote:

> For whatever reasons it is certainly the case that the quality of
> posts on mailing lists seems to be higher than on forums, although I
> accept this is only anecdotal.
   In my experience this is generally the case.

   A rather interesting point that came up during a conversation I had 
this afternoon is that the YLUG list is quite unusual in that nearly all 
of the topics of conversation are about Linux rather than Something 
Else[tm] and we tend not to flame people into BCBs[1] for mentioning 
non-Linux topics - witness the fact that there are quite a few FreeBSD 
users on the list, and we haven't subjected them to the torch and 
pitchfork treatment.

   Generally, I'm not a fan of forums (fora?) - they're basically a 
webified version of Usenet and suffer from pretty much the same 
problems. I've set plenty up for people, but I rarely use 'em! I used to 
use Usenet quite a lot, but I'm better now, really.


[1] - Burnt Crunchy Bits

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