[YLUG] ssh

Nicholas Thomas nick at lupine.me.uk
Fri Oct 12 01:13:31 BST 2007

Does nobody learn basic networking these days? :p

I caught your access, by the way... looks like this:

tcp        0      0        

(interestingly, leeds.ac.uk owns that second IP). is a private subnet, which is to say, it's like - 
private routing only. As for how to fix it... not a clue, sorry. Could 
be that your socket is just patched into the wrong switch somewhere, or 
something. Although, given the /highly/ computer-savvy nature of most 
York students, I'm sure such a mistake would be spotted and corrected 
instantly... right? ;)


Tom Hayward wrote:
> Ok, I can get out on 443 at that address, but surely I should be able
> to use port 22? The cserv list of: "The SNS provides...." includes ssh
> on it's list.
> By the way, what exactly does the "private subnet" mean?
> /Tom
> On 12/10/2007, Nicholas Thomas <nick at lupine.me.uk> wrote:
>> Tom Hayward wrote:
>>> I am unable to get out of campus on port 22 through the sns [using
>>> hostnames or IPs] (trying to connect just times out eventually), yet I
>>> should be able to, and someone else on the corridor can. Am I doing
>>> anything wrong (I followed the sns setup guide pretty much to the
>>> letter I believe, and below is route -n
>>> Kernel IP routeing table
>>> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
>>>   U     0      0        0 eth0
>>>     U     1000   0        0 eth0
>>>         UG    100    0        0 eth0
>>> also, from ifconfig: inet addr:  Bcast:
>>> Mask:
>>> I don't know if this is one worth asking the cserv about, but if
>>> anyone know anything that can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Tom
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>> Are you on the private subnet? looks like it, and IIRC that blocks 22
>> outgoing (but ssh on 443 outgoing works fine). Try connecting to me
>> (nick.lupine.me.uk:443)
>> But if you hax0r me, I'll be very upset :p
>> /Nick

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