[YLUG] Tunneling

Arthur Clune arthur at clune.org
Sat Oct 13 15:47:57 BST 2007

Sorry to everyone else for the very York Uni post.

On 12 Oct 2007, at 20:59, Roger Leigh wrote:

> If there's a good reason for running services accessible to the
> general public, is it possible to ask the Computing Service for
> permission to allow it through the firewall?

You can ask, but we'll say no. The SNS isn't there to run
servers on, and any servers run on it, in any way, are
likely to stop working suddenly and without warning.

If however there is something you want to make available,
then there are servers on campus provided for this e.g.
www-users. Drop me a line if you have a real need and
we can talk about it.

Work .sig with contact details below.


Dr. A. Clune CISSP, IT Security Specialist
The  Computing Service,  University of York
ajc22 at york.ac.uk   01904 433129

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