[YLUG] Installday tasks

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Sat Oct 13 18:40:07 BST 2007

  Been prodding the wiki with ideas and uploads:


Right now, there are a couple of design tasks that need looking at,
a bit of publicity spreading, and a bit of planning regarding the
codecs and customisation that we try to provide.  Check the list and
sign up for anything that you can carry out, and we'll have it all
sorted in no time.

Regarding customisation, we have a couple of options:

* Use alt install CD, OEM mode, with extra customisation from a local
  FTP server
   o There is a script that we started off with last year, but I
     don't have the final version that ewan ended up creating 
* Create our own install CD with our customisation added
* Keep it as a simple install and show people how to install what they
  want, and keep a list of useful repos and packages handy

In all cases, we keep official ubuntu CDs handy for the punters to take
away with them.

Last year, we went with the first option, but I do wonder if it's
more hassle than it needs to be for the effect.  Let us know what
you all think.

 -- zoe

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