[YLUG] Upcoming events

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 30 11:13:05 GMT 2007

  Lots of stuff coming up -

Tomorrow (Wednesday 31st) - 19:30, Last Drop Inn, York - social evening

Saturday 3rd November - 15:30, Danish Kitchen, High Ousegate - afternoon tea
  Let me know if you're planning on coming along, so we can give them
  an idea of numbers.

Friday 9th November - 19:00, Langwith L/N/006, University of York - 
  Linux introductory talk
  Come and watch as I introduce some of the things that my ageing laptop
  can do with its GNU/Linux install.

Saturday 10th November - 10:00, Langwith L/N/006, University of York -
  Bring computers, bring ideas, bring complicated technology issues.
  Don't forget to back up your data.
  Several exciting talks and demos are planned for the day, too.
  College lunch available, or sandwiches from local shop, or nearby
  village pub.

Sunday 11th November - 14:00, Langwith L/N/006, University of York -
  Install clinic!
  If you can't make it on the Saturday, or if you did come on Saturday
  and something isn't working properly, then there's an opportunity to
  see us again.

Speaking of installfest, does anyone have a mic stand that we can
borrow for the Saturday?  One of the presenters would like to use
it during his talk...

 -- zoe

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