[YLUG] Call for Participation - OpenTech 2008

Nigel Metheringham nigel.metheringham at dev.intechnology.co.uk
Wed Feb 20 10:27:31 GMT 2008

[Forwarded from UKUUG announce list, verbatim other than stripping  

OpenTech is an informal, low-cost one-day grassroots event that we put
on every couple of years for people in the UK to get together and talk
about digital technology, its impacts on society and - newly added
this year - the environment.  In previous years we heard from the
founder of the Internet Archive and the man behind BitTorrent, saw the
launch of TheyWorkForYou.com, and triggered the creation of the Open
Rights Group.  We also had a presentation from a chap who'd made a
semi-reliable clock out of an old PC and a prawn sandwich, so it's not
all serious stuff.

We're accepting proposals for talks between today and the 31st March,
The full details are below, and there's more information on our
website (http://www.ukuug.org/events/opentech2008/).

      Call for Participation - OpenTech 2008

      Saturday 5 July 2008, London, UK

          Presented by UKUUG in association with mySociety + Open  
Rights Group

      *What is OpenTech 2008?*
          A low-cost, one-day grassroots conference with a wide range of
          sessions covering digital technology, society and
          the environment

      *What do we need?*
          Proposals from people who want to give a
          presentation, run a panel, organise a workshop, or
          run a demo of something new and interesting

          Publicity - please blog this announcement, write a
          newspaper article, forward to mailing lists, and
          tell your friends!

      *What topics do we hope to cover?*
          - Mashups, open data and security
          - Future of media distribution
          - Low-carbon and low-impact living
          - New adventures in hardware hacking
          - Politics 2.0
          - Long term thinking on big problems and massive opportunities

          - If you've got an interesting proposal that doesn't fit  
into any of
            the categories above, please send it in anyway!

      *How do I submit a proposal?"
          Please use the form on http://www.ukuug.org/events/opentech2008/
          The deadline for submissions is midnight on Sunday 30 March  

      *Can I buy or reserve a ticket to the event?*
          Register at http://www.ukuug.org/events/opentech2008/list
          and we'll email you nearer the time with more information

      *Any other questions?*

          If you have any other questions, or want to make us
          an offer we can't refuse, please visit
          http://www.ukuug.org/events/opentech2008/ for more
          information and contact details of the event

      OpenTech 2008 organisers (Ben Lamb, Etienne Pollard, Sam Smith)

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